Every entrepreneur has heard it a million times over, “you need a social media presence, and post often.” While, yes, posting to various social media platforms is crucial for any business, there’s one aspect of the web that’s not only extremely important but often overlooked.
People may surf more often on platforms like Facebook and Tik Tok, but when they get into the car, navigation apps like Google Maps and Apple Maps are the priority. We’ve all done it, and if we’re going to a location we haven’t been to before, we’ll scroll through the pictures and look at reviews for a preview.
What’s seen there may heavily influence whether or not someone visits and/or spends money at that business. You may think this is a stretch or that posting on GPS apps is pointless. Here’s something that may change your mind…

Exterior shot of The Station Bar & Grill in Garwood, New Jersey.
I implemented a specific gameplan for The Station Bar & Grill in Garwood, New Jersey. By showcasing elegant photos – potential customers have seen various aspects of the business over 36,000 times, and that’s not including Apple Maps! All of which is organic.
You may feel reluctant to post on social media, but prioritizing GPS apps is crucial. Good news – you don’t have to do it! Let the Muse Group do it for you. Just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help you out.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMuseGroup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muse_Marketing
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/musemarketing/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.muse.group/