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Muse News

A Holiday Message from Muse

By Muse News

As the holiday season is now upon us, The Muse Marketing Group would like to thank those who support us in our daily endeavors.  We are grateful for all of our families, our friends and, of course, our clients.  You make our work possible. We couldn’t have gotten where we are without you. We, The Muses, wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season, and a spectacular 2018!

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Are You Compliant?

By Muse News

In today’s world, we are lucky to have so many forms of technology that open up new worlds to us on a daily basis. To think that there was a time when you had to go to the bank, go to the store or pick up the phone and call for take-out is inconceivable today. Technology has been able to provide us with easy access to everything we could possibly need.  But, is this true for everyone? Unfortunately, it is not.  Not every person in the world is able to see.  Not every person in this world is able to…

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Help Save the Ta-Tas!

By Muse News

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect women today.  Statistics show that there is a 1 in 8 chance of a woman developing breast cancer at some point in her life. It is important that each of us know the signs and symptoms to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment.  Even more critical is to support research and each other. There are many ways to support research that may one day bring an answer and an end to breast cancer.  You can take part in events, such as walks, runs, and yoga classes (like Muse did).  If…

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Muse Welcomes Christina Campos!

By Muse News

It is with great pleasure that we embrace our newest staff member, Christina Campos.  She has joined the Muse team as our Junior Graphic Designer.  Christina began with The Muse Marketing Group as our intern this summer.  She did such a great job that we couldn’t let her go; so, we asked her to stay on.  We couldn’t be happier that she said, “Yes!”

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Left Handedness: A Super Power

By From Mo's Desk, Muse News

August 13th marks 41 years of celebrating International Left-Handers Day.  You right-handers may not know this, but thirteen percent of the world’s population are left hand dominant.  You may also know that this means the right side of a lefty’s brain is in control. People who are “right brained”, or left-handed, tend to be creative.  They are visual thinkers, have good spatial awareness and active imaginations.  You will find a higher percentage of left-handed individuals appear in professions related to music, the arts, and media. Even though we may have our difficulties with scissors and knives, and must buy a…

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