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Muse News

It’s Margarita Time!

By Muse News

February 22nd is National Margarita Day.  As far as cocktails go, it is one of my personal favorites.  The flavor combinations are so simple, yet provide the perfectly brilliant flavors to tickle your palate just right. The timing for this celebration of the margarita is perfect.  It reminds us that warmer weather is on its way and we need not despair.  So raise a glass with we three Muses and celebrate the margarita and great things to come…like the end of winter.

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Guess What? It’s Library Lovers Month

By Muse News

In what seems like long, dragging winter months, sometimes all you want to do is curl up under the covers and hibernate until spring.  This, believe it or not, is the time when we need to leave the house and find a perfect little escape the most.  So why not escape to a place that can easily take you to other places without actually having to travel there yourself?  Visit the library. In the stacks of your local library, you can visit anywhere you wish to go.  Books can take you someplace sunny and warm, someplace exotic, or somewhere completely out of this world.  This…

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And Now for Something New…

By Muse News

At The Muse Marketing Group, we look forward to each new endeavor that comes our way.  The same can be said for the New Year.  We view them as opportunities to meet and help new people realize their vision for their company or district.  They are also opportunities to experience new things.

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Happy Holidays from The Muse Marketing Group

By Muse News

Worldwide, there exists a diverse pool of cultures and religions.  Each of these cultures and religions have their own winter celebrations.  Many people the world over celebrate Christmas, but there are other celebrations that take place as well.  People of the Jewish faith celebrate Chanukah, Muslims celebrate Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, people in Japan celebrate Omisoka, Buddhists celebrate Bodhi Day and people of pagan faiths celebrate Yule (just to name a few). No matter what your culture, no matter what your religion, be inspired by what you see outside your door.  No holiday is more important or better than another. …

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Cleaning House

By From Mo's Desk, Muse News

Are you feeling stagnant?  Are you having trouble concentrating on what you’re doing?  Take a look at your desk, apartment, house, what have you.  Is it cluttered?  Is there paper everywhere?  If it is, then that could very well be what’s got you down. It’s purge time!  Go through all of the things in your space that seem to have no permanent place to live.  Do you need them or are they just taking up valuable space?  I think you’ll find that you can do without most of the things that are cluttering up your abode.   You’ll feel better once…

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