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The Muses make David DeLuco Allstate Re-Opening a Big Success

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The Muse Marketing Group scores again with another big-hit client service, this time organizing the grand re-opening of the Allstate office of David DeLuco at 1029 Broad St. in Bloomfield from 6-9 p.m. on Thursday, the 27th.

The Muses began the excitement outside where Newark Fire Department members Battalion Chief Jerry Rohrbach and Firefighter Raymond Montalvo proudly stood watch over a mint-condition, 1959 Mack fire truck in use in Newark until the 1990s, and continued inside where visitors included Bloomfield Councilmen Nick Joanow. All enjoyed refreshments before and after the highlight of the evening, the presentation, by David DeLuco and Allstate Field Sales Leader and 49-year Allstate veteran Bill Ducksworth, of a charitable donation to the “Union Accolade Scholarship of the Newark Fire Officer’s Union” to Union Accolade Scholarship Board Member Anthony Tarantino.

The exciting evening was just another success for The Muse Marketing Group. Check out the David DeLuco Allstate Agency and watch for more exciting Muse news here.