In addition to revamping the Muse Marketing Group website, our senior web developer Stephanie Beighley, has also taken on the great task of totally rebuilding the Fair Lawn River Road Corporation website. Stephanie has been overhauling the Fair Lawn website design to “make it more modern and inviting, and the site will become easier to navigate for users. In addition, all the articles will be tagged and sorted, making search and archiving a possibility”. This allows for exciting new features that integrate social media, and the ability to subscribe via email for important community updates.
As you may know we work very closely with Don Smartt and Chris Bernardo of Commercial District Services. So we are very happy to help the many communities apart of this organization by promoting their downtown businesses on their websites and via social media. These websites serve as a crucial link between the residents, community groups and local businesses. Keeping the civic ties strong and fostering a pride in these districts.
We look forward to the launch of this new website this upcoming Spring!