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Muse News

It’s Ice Cream Day!

By Muse News

We love ice cream. There are hundreds of flavors and many ways to enjoy this tasty frozen treat. Ice cream is so loved, there are multiple days on the calendar to celebrate it. It’s great in the summer when you want something cold and it’s great with desserts, especially during the holidays.  It’s even good for breakfast (it’s a thing, check it out.) Mo’s favorites are Mint Chocolate Chip, and Chocolate Peanut Butter (preferably Breyers). When asked about his favorites, Nick said, “Cookie Dough for Daaaaaaaaaayyyyyyzzzzzz!” Angela said, “I’m a soft serve vanilla wafer cone with jimmies girl. Yes. I…

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Those in Need Are Not Forgotten

By Muse News

Now that the holiday season has arrived, it reminds us that there are so many others who are less fortunate.  Giving Tuesday reminds us that there are many ways that we can help make life a little easier for someone in need. This year, The Muses are organizing a drive for the organization Not Forgotten.  We will be collecting dry goods, toiletries and other non-perishables (no clothing or soft articles, please) that will be donated to homeless shelters, veterans in need and actively deployed servicemen and women. Remember, there are so many ways to help. If you can, donate. If you can’t,…

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Shop Small, Shop Local

By Muse News

Did you finish all of your holiday shopping on Black Friday? If not, I have good news.  You can get more done today, Small Business Saturday! Every community has wonderful, local gems that provide unique gifts. Now more than ever, they need our support.  Let your friends and family wonder where you found that fantastic present and tell all those big box stores to take a hike.

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Happy Thanksgiving from The Muses

By Muse News

When we think of Thanksgiving, Good friends and family typically come to mind. Don’t worry, we didn’t forget about the star of the show: the food!  When you think of the traditional fare that graces tables across the country annually, do you ever think about how it became part of the meal in the first place? When you consult the two surviving documents that reference the original Thanksgiving, their feast differs greatly from what it consists of today. There was no turkey! In its place were venison, wildfowl (ducks, geese, swans, pigeon), fish, eel, lobster and mussels. There were no mashed…

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We Want You…to Be Our Intern!

By Muse News

Are you looking for an internship?  Great!  We’re looking for an intern! Do you have an interest in marketing, content generation, social media management, graphic design or web development?  Are you interested in learning valuable and practical skills?  Wonderful, that means we’re looking for you! Send your resume or CV to [email protected] with your cover letter expressing your interest with “New Muse” in the subject line.

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