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grant writing

Time to Get Organized!

By Branding, Event Design, Event Planning, Fundraising, Muse News, Public Relations, Social Media Management, Website Design

Today is National Get Organized day! Once, sometimes twice a year, people feel the need to go through their things, get rid of what they no longer need and reorganize.  For many people, this can be an overwhelmingly daunting task.  However, it doesn’t have to be.  This year, for the annual celebration of Get Organized Day, the Muses are here to provide you with some guidance. There are many guides, challenges and methods that can help just about anyone clear out the clutter, and have a place for everything. Among some of the things The Muse Marketing Group found, were…

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Muse Celebrates Women in History

By Branding, Event Design, Event Planning, Fundraising, Muse News, Public Relations, Social Media Management, Website Design

Every March, our nation marks the impact of women in history.  As an agency comprised primarily of women, The Muse Marketing Group is honored by their predecessors and their efforts to make their imprint on history. Women have helped to shape society and contributed to science and technology, and in many other arenas.  Many times, throughout history, those accomplishments had been marginalized, overshadowed by or credited to their male counterparts. From the beginnings of the week-long celebration here in the United States, to the extended month-long celebration, National Women’s History Month allows us to better shine a light on the…

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Mused in the USA

By Branding, Event Design, Event Planning, From Our Clients, Fundraising, Muse News, Public Relations, Social Media Management, Website Design

As a local, small business in New Jersey, The Muse Marketing Group has seen many things come to pass.  We have seen times of plenty, but we have also made it through times of scarcity.  Through all of this, Muse has always supported local area businesses, and employed individuals who are local to the area.  We believe it is important to support and contribute to local economies (not outsourcing overseas like many “local agencies.”)  For this reason, The Muse Marketing Group completes all projects in house, here in the star spangled United States!  

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Muse Receives Award from Newark

By Awards, Muse News

On May 29th, Muse Marketing Group’s Angela Anemoyanis was the recipient of an award from the city of Newark for her volunteer service on the Newark Fire Department’s Grant Writing Committee.  The Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant that was applied for awarded the city $5.6 million dollars. This grant will assist the Newark Fire Department to maintain an adequate number of trained firefighters on duty throughout the city.  These funds will assist in upholding the fire departments mission of public safety, saving lives and protecting property.

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Perth Amboy’s New Recruits

By Grant Writing

Last year, Perth Amboy fire Department applied for what is known as a SAFER grant.  This grant allows recipients to increase or maintain the number of trained firefighters on duty. The Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grant was awarded earlier this year!  The Perth Amboy Fire Department was able to bring on four new full time firefighters with the funds they were awarded.  Perth Amboy welcomes Tom Macri, David Bonilla, Joan Munoz and Freddie Vazquez.  Congratulations gentleman!

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